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Route 035 Reitz Union to SW 35th Place_.Route 034 The Hub To Lexington Crossing_.Route 033 Butler Plaza Transfer Station to Midtown_.Route 0026 Rosa Parks Transfer Station To Airport_.Route 023 Oaks Mall to Santa Fe via Ft.Route 017 Beaty Towers To Rosa Parks Transfer Station_.Route 015 Rosa Parks Transfer Station to NW 13th Street_.Route 013_ Beaty Towers To Cottage Grove Apartments_.Route 012 Reitz Union To Butler Plaza Transfer Station_.Route 011 Rosa Parks Transfer Station To Eastwood Meadows_.Route 010 Rosa Parks Transfer Station To Santa Fe_.Route 008 Shands To North Walmart Supercenter_.Route 007 Rosa Parks Transfer Station To Eastwood Meadows_.Route 006 Rosa Parks Transfer Station to N Walmart Supercenter_.Route 005 Rosa Parks Transfer Station to Oaks Mall_.Route 003 Rosa Parks Transfer Station to North Main Post Office_.Route 002 Rosa Parks Transfer Station to NE Walmart Supercenter_.Route 001 Rosa Parks Transfer Station to Butler Plaza Transfer Station_.This Article further concludes that the answer is not necessarily to outlaw ICA or dismantle the domestic foster care system, but that by acknowledging and eventually overcoming the fact that both systems suffer from biases that feed illicit schemes or unnecessarily disrupt poor families, both systems can function as they should - by minimizing the disruption of family unity while fostering the best interest of every child who is impacted by the system. foster care systems too often disserve the interests of children who may be better served by a system that respects their familial and cultural ties. Finally, this Article concludes that ICA markets and U.S.

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child welfare system as a system that disrupts traditional forms of child placement in the United States, much like ICA disrupts the customary systems of child placements in other countries. This part also considers the problems with timoun, including its potential for exploitation. Part III describes one customary system of child placement in Haiti, timoun or restavèk, and explains how this system, unlike ICA, does not permanently sever the child’s relationship with his or her parents. Part II also explores the international community’s response to ICA and its focus on protecting the birth family’s unity. Part II describes the development of intercountry adoption (ICA) as a means of “saving” poor children and explains how the strength of this rescue narrative feeds illicit child trafficking schemes. Part I tells the story of the Silsby case and shows how the idea of rescuing poor Haitian children became the narrative that ultimately excused Silsby’s decision to move Haitian children who were not orphans across the border to the Dominican Republic. Using the Laura Silsby Haitian adoption case as a window into child placement schemes that affect poor families, this Article proceeds in four parts.

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